A Christmas Cracker
Time - 6pm for 6.30pm
Venue - Christchurch Mansion
Cost - Friends £22, Guests £27 (includes refreshments)
Join us for a fun festive evening in the Mansion, with plenty of good cheer, some suitably festive entertainment and delicious Christmas fare.
This year’s raffle prizes include an artwork generously donated by Chris Wiltshire and another by the late Rosario Zinna donated by Alan Swerdlow. Email contact@foim.org.uk if you would like to purchase raffle tickets but cannot attend on the night.
Booking via contact@foim.org.uk., please add XMAS for reference, and let us know any special dietary requirements you have so that we can make sure that you are catered for.
Booking is essential as we need to give numbers to the caterer by 26 Nov.
Photo credit: Mike Kwasniak